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aaron renfree
name: Aaron Paul Renfree

Nickname: The Sensible Junior

Age: 15 years old

Date Of Birth: 19th December 1987

Star Sign: Sagittarius

lives: Cornwall

Brother - Guy, two sisters - Lisa and Anna

Sum yourself up in three words:
Sensible, funny and shy

Favourite Celebrity:
I havent got an idol. I just switch from time to time

Worst Habit:
I have to put tomato ketchup on everything

Favourite Subject: Design Technology

Worst Subject: Physics

Aaron's a surf dude who likes to spend the summer months on the beach.

He's only ever had one bad accident on his board when he broke his arm and now it sticks out a bit! Aaron's known as the brainy one of the bunch and his fave food is tomato ketchup.

Favourite movie: The Others

Fave TV show: Friends

Fave song: Our next single New Direction

Fave thing about being a Junior: Performing and going to meet lots of pop stars

Most Embarrassing moment: Walking into Hear'say's dressing room thinking it was ours!

Hobbies: Surfing and going to the beach

Aaron can't stop smiling. Today we're on the set of cd:uk and all the Juniors have just recieved gold records for selling over a quarter of a million copies of their debut sing;e One Step Closer.
"I think we're all just really shocked," smiles Aaron. "I can't believe we've sold that many!"
Aaron is an absolute sweetheart in person and he can't wait to meet all the fans next year when the Juniors go on tour. "I love performing live and seeing our fans having a fab time and singing along," he says.
Aaron is one of the Juniors who lives away from home. Calvin, Hannah and Stacey all share a houe with him in London. "I still have to tidy my room just like any other kid." So, is your room clean at the moment? "Of course not!" grins Aaron. "But some of that's Calvin's fault, too."

Aside from singing, dancing and acting, Aaron's a keen artist and he loves drawing funny comics of the Juniors..

Juniors Secret
"Calvin's a really laid back and very caring person. I've been really fortunate to find a great friend in him."

Fan Fact
"I think we're really lucky as a group because we have some of the nicest fans you could imagine. Thank you everybody for your support!"

"Don't let anybody get you down. Always do your best. That's all anybody can ever ask of you. Oh, and keep dreaming!" Wise words, Aaron, wise words!

Aaron loves...
Cat Deeley: "She really goes out of her way to make you feel special. I think she's really pretty, too!"
Tomato Ketchup: "If they stopped making it tomorrow, i'd go out and buy as mant bottles as i possiblycould!"

Dancing: "I've always loved to dance and it's something i work really hard at."

symbol on clothes:Word Juniors
Franchesca Sandford

Name: Franchesca Sandford

Nickname: The Stylish Junior

Age: 14 years old

Date Of Birth: 14th January 1989

Star Sign: Capricorn

Lives: Upminster, Essex

Family: Sister - Victoria

Sum yourself up in three words
Sensitive, nutty and fussy (especially with food)

Favourite Celebrity: Victoria Beckham

Worst Habit
Playing with my hair. It has to be perfect before I leave the house

Favourite Subject
Art and Design - I'm quite arty

Worst Subject: Geography

Frankie's no stranger to showbiz.

She goes to the same school as the cousin of Jo in S Club, and has appeared as a cheerleader on SM:tv. Described as pink, girly and flirty, Frankie admits to being a bit of a shopaholic.

Favourite singer: J.Lo

Fave thing about being a Junior: Meeting people

Worst thing about the boys: They pretend they don't care

Most embarassing moment: At the S Club 7 tour in Manchester I tripped up and then did the rest of my dance routine wrong

Hobbies: Shopping with my family and friends

People feel comfortable chatting with Frankie. She just has that way about her. "I love that people know they can come and talk to me about whatever'e on their minds, I guess you could call me the mother figure of SCJ," giggles Frankie.
One of Frankie's greatest passions in life is shopping, and today we've hit the sales in search of a few bargains. In person Frankie is one of the most genuine and caring people anyone could possibly hope to meet. "You know I feel like I've known Stacey, Hannah, Daze, Roch, Calv, Jay and Aaron all my life," says Frankie. "A couple of years ago I'd never have thought I'd be surrounded by such a wonderful bunch of people, doing the thing i love most in the world!" ponders Frankie. "I guess it's true what they say - you never know what lies around the corner." Frankie smiles and gives me a wink. Wise words gal!

Did you know
Frankie's a perfectionist and
believes that if she tries hard
enough she'll always do a
better job.

Juniors Secret
"I've known Rochelle for ages
and I'm very close to her. In
fact, we even went to the SCJ
auditions together!"

Fan Fact
"Our fans are the greatest.
They've all been so generous
with their support and I would
like to thank them from the
bottom of my heart."

"It doesn't matter how old or
young you are, if you work
hard enough at what you love
you'll get exactly where you
want to be"

Frankie loves...
Pulling silly faces: "I've always been the
joker at school and i really like cheering
people up. It makes me happy"
3sL: "They're really funny lads who like to
have a laugh"

Her mobile: "I love being able to
keep in touch with all
the other Juniors and
my family"

symbol on clothes : Word Frankie

calvin goldspink

Name: Calvin Goldspink

Nickname: The Flirty Junior

Age: 14 years old

Date Of Birth: 24th January 1989

Star Sign: Aquarius

Aberdeen, Scotland (originally from Suffolk)

Family: Brother - James

Sum yourself up in three words
Chilled, sweet and calm

Favourite Celebrity
Henrik Larsson - the Celtic Footballer

Worst Habit: Playing with people's ears

Favourite Subject
P.E especially when its football

Worst Subject: Maths

Calvin is a hot-rockin' nu-metaller whose fave bands include Linkin Park and Offspring.

Before being chosen for S Club Juniors he'd only appeared in school plays. When not rehearsing with the band, Calvin's normally on his mobile phone or street skating.

Favourite movie: Alien

Favourite song: Ain’t No Sunshine by Will Young

Favourite TV Show: Friends

Fave thing about being a Junior: Performing

Favourite chocolate: Wispa

Most Embarrassing moment: A video clip of me farting on the Saturday Show

Hobbies: Hangin’ out with my mates back home

Having his name shouted out by adoring girls is something Calvin has had to get used to since joining the Juniors, but it still makes him feel uncomfortable. “It’s a really weird feeling having strangers call your name out,” shrugs Calvin. “Sometimes I’m not sure whether they’re shouting at me. I just don’t see myself as ‘the guy that everyone fancies’.” Calvin is by far the most laid back of the Juniors – he’s incredibly sweet ad easy to talk to. And what many fans wouldn’t know is that Calvin often wonders about the most bizarre things and is forever asking himself ‘what if’ questions. So Calvin, we’ve got one for you. What if Automatic High was the biggest selling singe of the year and what if you’re next single, New Direction, hit No1, and so did your album, Automatic High (Now changed to New Direction)? What would you do? “I think I’d cry,” smiles Calvin, Ahh, bless.

Calvin loves listening to Linkin Park and at heart he’s a real skater dude

Juniors Secret
"I hardly get any attention from the girls. They all love Aaron."

Fan Fact
"I’ve had a lot of people ask me for autographs on the soles of their shoes. I can’t help thinking that the autographs are going to come off anyway, so what’s the point?"

It’s always important to be yourself. Don’t ever pretend to be someone else and always set your mind to doing the best you can do.

Calvin loves...
Playstation: "I like shoot ‘em up games the best"
Roller-blading: "It's my favourite thing to do with my mates"

"Watching scary movies over and over again!"

A good curry. He loves them sooo much he could even eat one for Christmas dinner!

symbol on clothes :TCB= Taken Care of Business
Stacey McClean

Name: Stacey McClean
br>Nickname: The Thoughtful Junior

Age: 13 years old

Date Of Birth: 17th February 1989

Star Sign: Aquarius

Lives: Blackpool, Lancashire

Family: Brother - Liam

Sum yourself up in three words:
Loving, thoughtful and patient

Favourite Celebrity:
Whitney Houston. I love her music

Worst Habit: Biting my nails!

Favourite Subject:
Art or music. People say I'm pretty good at drawing

Worst Subject:
Geography and History. They are both boring

Stacey almost didn't turn up for the audition, as her mum didn't want her to get her hopes up.

But she sailed through to the final round and cried when she was chosen for the band. Her biggest dream is to be the voice of a Disney character.

Favourite singer: Whitney Houston and J.Lo

Favourite Song: Foolish by Ashanti

Fave thing about being a Junior: Being famous and performing in front of our fans

Fave chocolate: Dairy Milk

Fave Colour: Lilac or blue

Most embarassing moment: I was pulling funny faces and a coach of school kids spotted me

Hobbies: Spending time with my family

Being a Junior looks like alot of fun from the outside - and it is! But what you may not know is that there is an awful lot of hard work that comes with being a pop star. Stacey, like all the other Juniors is tutored on a weekyly basis so she can keep up with all of her school subjects. "I love being tutored," says Stacey. "My favourite subject is drama," she laughs. "I have been known to be a bit of a drama queen from time to time."
Aside from her studies Stacey also likes to practice an instrument that is very close to her heart. "One of my old teachers recommended I should try learning the piano a couple of years ago and I've been at it ever since." So do you think you'll be the Alicia Keys of the SCJ? "I don't know if I'm that good" smiles Stacey, "but each day that goes by I get a little bit better. So who knows how good I'll be one day.

Did you know
Stacey like to stay at home
and take it easy on her days
off. She also loves to take her
brother out and spoil him.

Juniors Secret
"Daisy's quite mad and funny
and i can tell her anything.
She's fun to be around!"

Fan Fact
"I was in McDonalds with my
mum and a boy asked me to
sign his face. He only had a
permanent marker pen but he
still wanted me to do it. Just
imagine - there could still be a
boy out there with my name
on his face."

"Keep a smile on your face
and always do your best.
Oh, and try to stay focus on
your dreams!"

Stacey loves...
Theme Parks: "I love the big rollercoasters.
I could ride them all day long"
The movie Bring It On. "Daisy and I can
watch it for hours"

"Swimming always relaxes me and i feel
fantastic after a day at the beach or pool"

Chicken Korma: "I could eat it every
night for dinner!"

symbol on clothes: Spider Webs

Rochelle Wiseman

Name: Rochelle Wiseman

Nickname: The Athletic Junior

Age: 13 years old

Date Of Birth: 21st March 1989

Star Sign: Aries

Lives: Romford, Essex

Three sisters. My stepsister - Jenny is a bit younger than me, Lauren's 14 and Emily's 8

Sum yourself up in three words
Ambitious, sensitive and caring

Favourite Celebrities
Bradley S Club and Craig David

Worst Habit: Playing with peoples ears

Favourite Subjects: Art or P.E

Worst Subject: Maths

Rochelle admits to being the group's resident nutter!

Like Frankie she's also no stranger to showbiz, having appeared in Whistle Down the Wind in London and done some modelling. She's dreamt about being a pop star all her life and takes her teddy, Squidge, everywhere with her.

Favourite TV show: Eastenders

Favourite Singer: J.Lo

Faveourite song: Foolish by Ashanti

Fave chocolate: Dime Bar

Fave Colour: Lilac and baby pink

Most embarassing moment: At SM:tv I was wearing a pair of baggy trousers and tripped over

Hobbies: Catching up with my family and shopping

I enjoyed the auditions to get into SCJ so much, I want to go and do them again! screams Rochelle. Why? They were just sooo much fun!
Roch, as shes known to the Juniors, is always the life of the party and you can often find her going out of her way to keep peoples spirits up. In fact, all she has to do is enter the room and the first thing you see is her smile beaming from ear to ear. I like to see everyone around me happy at all times, grins Rochelle. Its almost like a mission of mine!
Rochelle things the nicest thing about being an SCJ is that shes found a whole new family full of brothers and sisters. I love all the Juniors dearly and I cant imagine what it would be like without them in my life! says Rochelle. Thats OK, Roch. You dont have to. Oh, and heres a little secret. All the other SCJ feel exactly the same way about you too!

Did you know
Frankie, Stacey and Rochelle often share hotel rooms and they love having pillow fights when the lights go out.

Juniors Secret
"Jay and I are always playing around. We especially like to take the mickey out of our tutors. But in a good way, of course!"

Fan Fact
"I was in the car with my mum being stupid and singing to the music. We pulled up at the traffic lights and all these kids were watching me. That will teach me!"

"Keep trying. It may take a while but never give up on your dream. And always remember that if you believe in yourself, you could be in a magazine like this!"

Rochelle loves...
S Club: "I really look up to them. Theyre all really sweet and theyve given us some great advice"
Christina Milian: Not only is she cool, shes actually a really nice person too!

Fashion: "You can never have too many clothes. I live to mix and match my outfits"

symbol on clothes: Gems
Jay Perry Asforis
Name: Jay Perry Asforis

Nickname: The Brainy Junior

Age: 12 years old

Date Of Birth: 30th October 1989

Star Sign: Aquarius

Lives: Chigwell, Essex

I'm an only child but I've got the others now

Sum yourself up in three words
Cool, laid back and the others just told me I'm clever

Favourite Celebrities
Bradley S Club and I like Les Ferdinand

Worst Habit
Touching my nose. Not picking, just touching

Favourite Subjects: P.E and Drama

Worst Subject: Maths and Science

He may be the smallest in the group but he's also the most talkative!

He was chosen for the group after sending in a video of himself dancing and singing. The celebrity he'd most like to go on a date with is Jennifer Lopez.

Favourite movie: Blue Streak

Favourite singer: Usher

Favourite song: Foolish by Ashanti

Fave thing about being a Junior: Meeting People

Favourite chocolate: Twix

Most Embarrassing moment: When i missed a penalty shot on SM:tv

Hobbies: Seeing my friends

"I'd love to be like Usher one day," beams Jay. "I just think he works really hard at what he does and that inspires me!"
Jay is a very bright young man with a wicked sense of humour. He can also do a fab trick with his stomach that has to be seen to be believed! But theres no time for tricks today because Jay is in the recording studio, busily laying down some new songs for the SCJ's debut album, Automatic High, which will be released later in the year. From what Jay has played me so far, the album is going to be crackin'. "I think people are going to be very surprised by some of the material we've recorded," says Jay. "The album's going to be phat!" Stand back, Usher, you could have some competition.

Did you know
Ever since Jay can remember, he's always wanted to be successful. And it's this incredible drive that makes him an awesome performer

Juniors Secret
"Rochelle and i have a good bond. I can tell her anything. We often get up to trouble and mischief together!"

Fan Fact
"When we went to Calvin's school in Scotland, we went into McDonalds and there were people looking at us everywhere. It was strange!"

"All you have to do is start off with a dream and, with hard work and persistence, watch it blossom into a reality!"

Jay loves...
Roller-blading: "I love going skating with my mates. It's great fun!"
Watching movies: "Like Vertical Limit and Mission Impossible. I can pretty much watch anything if it's got loads of action in it!"

"Lasagna: "It's always been one of my favourite foods and that doesn;t look like changing anytime soon!"

symbol on clothes: Number 8

Daisy Rebecca Evans

Name: Daisy Rebecca Evans

Nickname: The Musical Junior

Age: 12 years old

Date of Birth: 30th November 1990

Star Sign: Sagittarius

Lives: Chadwell Heath, Essex

Brother - Aaron and Sister - Alice

Sum yourself up in three words:
Dizzy, mad and wild

Favourite Celebrities:
Usher, I really like S Club 7, Destiny's Child and Mis-Teeq

Worst Habit:
Biting my nails, but I'm not as bad as Stacey

Favourite Subject: Music

Worst Subject:
Geography and History

With her long blonde hair, Daisy's nickname is Barbie.

She's always wanted to be a pop star and has spent many hours on the stage touring with the show Annie. She also admits to having a huge crush on EastEnders star Jack Ryder.

Favourite group: Mis-Teeq

Fave thing about being a Junior: The rest of the group

Favourite chocolate: All of them

Worst thing about boys: They're not as fun as girls

Favourite colour: Pink

Most Embarrassing moment: Falling over on stage

Hobbies: Ice-skating and shopping

Daisy starts the interview by growling like a tiger. Then she laughs. Were sitting outside on a beautiful summers day and Daisy is in the mood to play. This Junior has been dancing since the age of two and, ever since she can remember, its always been her dream to become a pop star. You know, when I went for my audition to get into SCJ I didnt even thing I would get through the first round, recalls Daisy. All the kids there were so talented and all I had was my little dance routine. There was even one girl who was doing back flips! laughs Daisy. If only she knew at the time that her world was going to change forever! In her spare time Daisy likes to go shopping and ice skate, but not at the same time. That would be silly!

Daisy would love to be a hair and make-up artist one day.

Juniors Secret
"Hannahs really funny and shes always there when I need someone to talk to."

Fan Fact
"I went to Hannahs house at the weekend. We both went out and a boy came up to us and asked us to sign his forehead. It was hard because the pen kept getting stuck between the lines on his head," laughs Daisy. "He was only about nine and he was really sweet!"

My advice to anyone who wants to be a pop star is to go to lessons and auditions. If you dont get one audition, dont give up! Keep trying.

Daisy loves...
Blue: "Theyre really nice to talk to. S Club are lovely too!"
Theme parks and big rollercoasters

Imitating Sophie Ellis Bextors dancing in her Get Over You video

Having her hair in plaits with ribbons

The movie Bring It On. Daisy knows it word for word!

symbol on clothes: Animals
hannah lorraine richings
br>Name: Hannah Lorraine Richings
Nicknames:The Tomboy Junior, Dimple, Hannah Baby, han or Hannah Spanner
Age: 11 years old
Date Of Birth: 30th November 1991
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Lives: Newbury, Berksire
Family: Sister - Eloise
Sum yourself up in three words:Cute, fun loving and happy
Favourite Celebrity:Julia Roberts
Worst Habit:I really like to sit in small cupboards and things like that
Favourite Subject:PE - running is my favourite sport
Worst Subject:
Maths - I can do it but I really have to try hard
Fave TV show: Saturday Show and SM:tv
Fave song: I need a girl by P Dddy and Usher
School: Park House
primary school:John Ranklin Primary
Also known as "Dimples" from when she played the Artful Dodger in a school play, Hannah has always dreamt of stardom.

She's a big fan of the movie Billy Elliott and Coyote Ugly.
Fave chocolate: Bounty
Most embarrassing moment: She is really gullible so she used to being embarrassed all the time!
What does she do in her spare time: Spending time with my family and friend

When Hannah got through the first stage of the S Club search she couldn't show her feelings because her sister did no get through.

I met Victoria Beckham and she was lovely,” laughs Hannah. “I was so excited I got an autograph for Roch and Frankie, but forgot to get one for myself.”
Hannah is the youngest member of the Juniors, but you’d never guess it. She’s incredibly bright for her age and in her spare time enjoys baking yummy treats. “I can’t really cook anything aside from cakes,” giggles Hannah, “but my all-time fave is chocolate cake with melted chocolate.”
Today, Hannah and the Juniors are learning the new dance routine to their next single New Direction. Dancing is something Hannah has had to work at but she also feels that it’s been worth the effort. “Although I don’t pick up a routine straight away I always try my best.” You’re best seems good enough to us, Hannah and there are plenty of fans out there who I’m sure would agree. So how about a slice of that chocolate cake sometime soon?

Did you know
Hannah does a cool impersonation of nasty Pop Idol Judge Simon Cowell.

Juniors Secret
"I share a room with Stacey and I think she’s lovely, sweet and really kind."

Fan Fact
"I really like performing to young children. I love watching the energy in their faces and I love seeing them singing along and enjoying themselves"

Keep trying and never give up, even if you don’t succeed the first time. Nothing works if you don’t try hard enough and keep giving up.

Hannah loves...
To play receptionists and beauticians with Stacey. In fact she has been known to give fab discounts on make-up if you’re nice to her
Children: "I’ve always loved kids and one day I’d like to be a nurse or a nanny"

Christina Milian: "She was really chatty and lovely"

Julia Roberts and Kirsten Dunst

symbol on clothes: Lightening Bolts

facts about the band
-There were originally 7 juniors, then 9, now there's 8!

-Connor left the band because his parents thought it would be better for him to study, Connor agreed and left before the tour with s club

-Hannah's sister Eloise also attended the s club search-but sadly didn't make the final

-Hannah and Aaron joined the band a day after the others

-Rachel from s club was supposed to appear in the vid for Puppy Love

-frankie appered as a cheerleader on smtv-live
The juniors were only supposed to sign a one album deal with Polydor-the s club united tour, was never actually planned

-Aaron, Calvin, Hannah and Stacey share a house in London with two chaperones!

-The juniors were only supposed to sign a one album deal with Polydor-the s club united tour, was never actually planned!

The story
This story is written by Amie Kershaw at so if you would like a copy go to her website and email her and ask.

The juniors story is a remarkable tale of talent, tears, dancing, singing, touring and friendship. So where did it all begin for the 8 superstars we all know and love? Well.......

You may remember that just over a year ago cbbc went sclub7 mad! They were talking about something called the 'sclub search' it was going to be a nationwide set of auditions for a group of kids to become a 'junior' sclub 7 and support the band on the Wembley date of their carnival 2002 tour. Auditions were held all over England, Manchester, London, Birmingham- all the major cities and over 10,000 kids showed up to audition. People could also send in tapes, the response was phenomenal and so was the talent. The youngsters were whittled down and the final was held in London with sclub7 present! The kids, sung and danced their heart out- and in front of sclub 7, Nikki Chapman and their piers, it wasn't an easy task! Seven kids had to be chosen, and seven were, they were, Frankie, Daisy, Rochelle, Stacey, Calvin, Jay and Connor. Many kids were left disappointed, two of these were Hannah Richings and Aaron Renfree, little did they know that a day after their luck would dramatically change...

Back at the 19 management offices Nikki was discussing the juniors with the sclubbers and they decided to throw out the rule book, if they wanted 9 sclub juniors, they could have 9! Hannah and Aaron received phone calls telling them that they were wanted in the band! (Bet that was the best phone call of their lives!)

So the juniors were formed, 9 of them. Five gorgeous girls and 4 hunky boys, the talent was so good that the band was now a headlining support act for s club 7 and not just in London! The juniors were going nationwide to performing to thousands of people! But soon before the tour Connor quit the group, it left the juniors very surprised but they got back on their feet and practiced vocals and choreography! The tour went down a storm with the juniors picking up a fan base straight away!

It's now 2002 and the carnival tour is complete, the guys are best friends and have some stomping tracks under their belts, the question is what to release? The answer is obvious and 'One Step Closer' becomes the juniors 1st single, going straight into the charts at no2, and the members going straight into the hearts of fans everywhere. One Step Closer was a marker, and what a fab marker to have. The song sold over 250,000 copies and is one of the biggest singles of 2002! Not bad for a 1st single, but could they repeat this?

It's summer 2002 and the juniors are in Malaga, Spain, to shoot the vid for 'Automatic High' The summery track was different from One step closer, but it had one very important quality...once you hear it you want more! The girlies took lead on this single and the vocals were very impressive indeed, and oh how we all wanted school to finish so we could all go on holiday after seeing this vid. It was yet another pop gem and the juniors set out to promote it. It was another smash hit, going into the Uk official top 40 at number 2! People sit up and take notice...the juniors are here to stay!

Its summer....finally and the juniors take a new direction in the market...magazines! The s club juniors summer special 2002 was delivered to all good retailers and was swiped of the shelves as quickly as it had arrived! 34-info packed pages of scj! What genius!

Its August 2002, a year since the s club search and the third single is decided upon, a slightly more mature, Bollywood, inspired 'New Direction' the change worried some fans at first, what would it sound like, would it be able to match one step closer and Automatic high? What were they worried about? The 3rd single is anthemic, equally as catchy as the gangs previous two hits, even more so in a way. The video saw the juniors on a magic carpet flying over glamorous and beautiful destinations, like ocean views, deserts, cities at night and a car park!? How ever bizarre the car park thing is the single gave the juniors a hat-trick! It was released on the 7th of October and was ANOTHER no2 smash hit!

In the same month, on October 21st the gangs debut album was released nationwide, with faves such as One Step Closer, Automatic High and New Direction it offered 9 brand spanking new tracks. The album went straight in the official album chart at number 5!

Then there came the swoon some 'Puppy Love' It was the bands 4th single in a year-not bad going! The girls had taken the limelight and this time it was the boys turn to shine. Calvin sings lead on this track and if there was ever a song to send girls to jelly-Puppy Love was it and Calvin-was the guy to sing it. 'Puppy Love' was a HUGE success on music shows like 'The Box' and 'Smashhits' climbing to the no1 most selected song on BOTH channels at the same time!!!!! Puppy Love was given critical acclaim and many top music insiders said it was practically a sure-fire number1!! The gang released the single on December 9th 2002-up against another success story of 2002-Gareth Gates. Could the 8 piece beat the hottest solo star of the year? Let the battle commence!!! The juniors released puppy love and it reached number 6 in the charts! It was the 3rd highest entry of the week...and was only narrowly beaten to number 5 by Gareth Gates!

The juniors received some amazing news at the end of 2002. All four of the juniors singles released made it into the top 200 selling singles of the year, with One Steps Closer just missing out on the top 20! Also the gangs debut album 'Together' was in the top 100 selling albums of the year at number 54, beating BOTH s club albums 'sunshine' and 'seeing double' not bad going for a years work!

What more could we ask for? A tour? Well yes that too! The juniors embark on a tour of the UK with their chums s club (Paul left the band so they changed their name to sclub) The tour has sold out and see's the juniors traveling all over the country-yet again. Except this time it would be different-this time its personal!

Just over a year after their formation the juniors have 4 smash hit singles, a top 5 album, a top 20 biggest selling record of the year, an army of fans and by the end of April 2003-will have two tours under their belt-one as support act for the biggest pop group in the country- and one AS the biggest pop group in the country!!!

All that's left to say is who thought that the s club search would lead to all this? I'll leave you to answer that one! The future certainly looks bright for the superstars!